Tuesday, February 28, 2017

STOP Giving Advice. TUESDAY Traffic Tips

Say what? This from a guy who makes a point of advising us every week. What's up? Today, I discuss a VERY important part of the advice you give and more importantly, when it's requested. This and much more on this week's VIDEO TIP for commercial real estate professionals.

STOP Giving Advice. TUESDAY Traffic Tips

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

90% of you DON'T do this. TUESDAY Traffic Tips

Today, thanks to my friend David Mudge from Lee Riverside and Rod Santomassimo of the Massimo Group, I discuss a subject that nine of ten brokers fail to do. This and much more in this week's VIDEO Tip for commercial real estate professionals.

90% of you DON'T do this. TUESDAY Traffic Tips

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Are you in a DEAL Hole? TUESDAY Traffic Tips

The TV streaming industry refers to a "show hole" - that sinking feeling you get when you've binge watched every episode of Breaking Bad and you wonder what will consume you viewing time. We experience a similar sinking feeling when we near the end of our pipeline - "deal hole". Today, I discuss a remedy for "deal hole". This and much more on this week's VIDEO tip

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Should you CONFIRM Appointments? TUESDAY Traffic Tips

No brainer, right? YES, you should. We must manage our time wisely. However, is there something you're missing? Are you giving folks an excuse to cancel your meeting? I discuss this and the California RSVP on this week's VIDEO Tip.